How to Get Inerrancy Wrong, A Series
Introduction I am firmly convinced of the inerrancy of Scripture. I also realize that’s a very bold statement to make, especially in a world where uncertainty is promoted with so much certainty . A genuine belief in Scriptural inerrancy is a fine line to walk. It is so fine that from both sides it can appear to be a denial of the (literal) truth of Scripture. Whether it’s believing in a flood that wasn’t global but functionally worldwide or believing in a literal creation week that didn’t occur 6,000 years ago, I will be accused by both believers and unbelievers of being compromised and inconsistent. However, I would argue that my critics are the ones who are compromised and inconsistent. Because when I say that I believe that Scripture is true, the corespondent element for the truth of it isn’t dependent on what can be proven scientifically or confirmed hi...