Theodicy Isn't for Wimps
Introduction The problem of evil. That's apparently a problem for theists in general, and Christians more specifically. Primarily it is a problem for theists is general--at least in the realm of philosophy of religion--because goodness, more specifically, omnibenevolence, is pointed to as a characteristic or attribute of God. A Video Version of This Response I am not sure if I have ever put this point into writing but, in discussions about theism in general, I have noted that such discussions--due to the fact that the west is overwhelmingly Christian--that such matters necessarily presuppose Christian categories. It is in this recognition that in an examination of Stephen Maitzen's article "Atheism and the Basis for Morality", that I responded to it from a largely Reformed Christian understanding. Before I go any further, perhaps it would be beneficial to define some terms first. Theodicy Defined The word "theodicy" is derived, according t...